Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Body Painting - Bra - Series #2

Photo of body painting of a blue bra on a middle-aged woman.

Related posts:
*Body Painting - Bra - Series #1

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lotus Tattoo

Lotus tattoo - Good Tattoo and Sexy Tattoo

Tidak di sini, Tidak di sana

September 30, 2009
1159 hrs

Itulah apa yg aku rasa dalam beberapa minggu belakangan ini. Dan terasa kacau sangat jiwa ni. Malam2 makin susah nak tido. Asek teringat n fikir ini dan itu. Jasad je idup dan menjalankan rutin harian. Tp fikiran melayang ntah ke mana. Kadang2 singgah kat umah, kadang2 ke hostel... pendek kata ke sana kemari la.

Btw, mcm mana raya korg? Aku ke rumah Kak Nani di Muar. Nanti akan aku cerita lebey lanjut ttg Raya tahun ni. Gambar2 tak complete lagi. Aku tak bawak kamera so, gambar2 sumer ada dengan akak. Secara ringkasnya, it was fun. Ada la beberapa insiden klakar yang berlaku krkrkrkrr...

Malam tadi, aku payah sangat nak lelap. Kejap padam lampu, kejap on lampu...last2 aku ngadap buku. But takle masuk gak. Tatau la apa yang meresahkan sangat. Exam adalah salah satunya. Nak kata aku rindu gila2 dengan family, well, aku dah sembang dengan mummy sampai kosong kdt... Dah terlepas rindu. Tensen ekceli... Tp aku tatau apa puncanya.

Ask God... yaaahhh... itu jawapan paling mudah. Kalau dulu aku berjuang untuk merungkai masalah berkenaan sumpahan someone...sekarang aku kene berusaha untuk merungkai kekusutan jiwa. Mcm mana ekhh... ehmm...

Aku rasa mengong nak terus menulis kat post ni sbb aku rasa korg tak paham hahahaha... What I'm writing here ialah apa yang terlintas di fikiran. Kalo korg tak paham, itu maknanya fikiran aku mmg kacau dan tak tenteram.

Org kata, tak salah menangis sekali sekala untuk melepaskan apa yang terbuku dalam hati. Memang betul... tapi kelegaan itu bersifat sementara. Nak2 lagi alam ni seakan2 menangis bersama. Sekarng asek hujan je. Makin sayu rasa hati ni.

Aku nak sangat bercerita dengan seseorang. Nak sangat luah apa yang aku rasa. Tapi aku tatau mcm mana nak mula, dari mana nak mula dan mcm mana nak teruskan. Malam tadi, ada 2 org yang melayang kepala biol aku. Dan sorg tu smpi tetido dibuatnya muahahahah...Nway, thanks for listening.

Aku rindu apa tau... aku rindu sorg kawan masa diploma dulu. Dulu, susah senang kami bersama. Masalah utama kitorg, masalah duit time tu. Sampaikan satu tahap, kitarog sama2 sengkek, kitorg makan tester kat Jusco. Time tu kitorg wat part time tp gajinya sebulan lepas hbs keje br masuk. Yang bestnya, kitorg punya bos time tu tau kitorg sesak, so, dia kasi blanja makan. Kalo diingat2 balik, klakar la...

Kitorg banyak perbezaan, tp perbezaan itu aku rasa mcm saling melengkapi. When I first knew tht I'm accepted untuk smbng blaja, aku rasa tak brapa nak seronok sangat. Sebb aku rasa keseorangan. Dan itu yang aku rasa sekarang.

Selfish pun ada hahahaha... Pa pe pun aku tak nak kacau dia. Ppl hv to go on with their life. Macam tu jugak dengan aku. Hari ini mgkin aku rasa keseorangan, esok2 mana tau dunia aku cerah berseri. Harap2 mcm tu la...ameeennnnn....

Okay...okay...kita tinggalkan dulu jiwa yang kacau ni. Cerita pasal life aku lak.

Secara tampaknya, aku, mcm student2 lain dah start kuliah balik. Jadi, dah start senaman turun naik bukit. Aku cuti raya, naik 2 kilo hahahaha....nampak sangat aku bukan 'makan' tp 'melahap'... bak kata kawan aku, 'jadi babi' huhuhuhuu...

Tapi, time raya tu je la kesempatan aku untuk mkn yang enak2. Sekarang balik kampus, aku dah start ngadap biskut kering, megi dan kopi semula. Makanan ruju pelajar hahahah. Tp aku tambah lagi satu bahan penting utk kasi seimbang - buah. Cukup la. Tapi, berkenaan kopi, mummy ada antar satu emel yang kata Nescafe + Coffe Mate kasi rusak buah pinggang. Ayarrkkk.... mematahkan nafsu je. So, hv to slow down on caffein. Walhal, itulah favourite.

Assignment ada satu lagu sedang tergantung di leher. Aku lega sbb dah setelkan falsafah. Naik mereng rasanya bila cuba jelaskan tentang 'kewujudan' pada diri sendiri. Yang penting, beres sudahhhh...

And yahh... Aku masih lagi amalkan kehidupan 'no meat on Wed n Fri' and kalo boleh, utk dua hari tersebut, live on bread (in my case, biscuit, alone). Kenapa mcm tu? Well, untuk memperjuangkan hidup binatang2 sekalian hahahah... Just kidding. Adalah sebabnya yang tak dapat aku nak terangkan.

Owhh... ehm, aku rasa takat ni dulu la k... Rasa lega sket bila dah merapu dalam blog ni.

Sorry la pada sesapa yang expect something ilmiah dan interesting dari blog aku. Korg takkan dapat itu semua. Blog ni adalah satu escapism bagi aku. Tempat aku nak berkata2 apa saja yang aku nak tanpa sekatan (melainkan dari ISA hahahah).


Monday, September 28, 2009

Orchid Tattoos and You - Perfect Flower Tattoo?

Orchid tattoos can be a great choice of tattoo for both females and males. Dependant on the orchid you get and the meaning you are after, this flower tattoo can be either end of the spectrum, highly masculine in nature or very feminine. A popular favourite flower for corsages and bouquets it is no wonder it is also finding popularity in the inked world. So what exactly can the orchid tattoo stand for?

On the masculine side of meanings it is all very sexual in nature, representing various parts of the male anatomy. In classic Chinese meaning it is often associated with the perfect man. On the other end of the spectrum are the more feminine meanings of beauty, charm and refinement. It is often seen as being a beautiful flower representative of all things feminine. It is also commonly referred to as the flower of magnificence. The feminine form of the orchid is also symbolic of perfection, love and family. Or in Asian cultures it is also seen as a symbol of something rare and precious. No matter why you seek this tattoo the origins and meanings are limitless and you can find one that suits your intended desire.

Due to it being a flower tattoo the varieties are endless and the uniqueness factor can be very high. It can easily be adjusted to fit pretty much every part of the body and work with the bodies natural shape. It can be given any colouration to provide the bearer with the perfect colour for them and their skin tone. The orchid itself has hundreds of different varieties of flower so you can be sure that one of the many types will suit your personal style and taste.

The orchid flower in tattoos is often seen as a symbol of sexuality or of luxury. Both of which may be the meaning you want for your flower tattoo. It is often also found in association with other Hawaiian flower tattoos to create the perfect piece of artwork on the canvas of your skin.

Body painting - Flower - Series #5

Full body painting of flowers on a nude women with her breasts used as flower petals.

Related posts:
* Body painting - Flower - Series #4
* Body painting - Flower - Series #3
* Body painting - Flower - Series #2
* Body art - Flowers

Sunday, September 27, 2009

2010 Yamaha V-Star 950

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2010 Ducati Hypermotard 796 Rear Angle2010 Ducati Hypermotard 796 Rear Angle

English Anyone?

September 27, 2009
1610 hrs

I saw this q in one of my fren's profile in FB. It's just a simple question. Well, whos says English is easy peasy, try answer this with YES or NO ONLY. Fill in the blanks yaaa... :

_____, I'M A PIG.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Angel Tattoos For Real Men

Real men like angel tattoos also. They can have a different significance for women and men. You can find a wide variety of angel tattoos so you have to figure out what your angel tattoo should symbolize.

Angel tattoos can stand for protection, purity, morality, strength, beauty, or a combination thereof. Angel tattoos on men usually signify strength, bravery and courage. To express the timeless struggle between good and evil, some people may ink one of the archangels, Michael, Gabriel, or Raphael in a struggle with the famous fallen angel, Satan. Tattoos of fallen angels, the darker side, are more popular with men.

Angel tattoos are a way for men to get a very intricate and colorful but strong tattoo. Placement of the tattoo is also important. Many full back tattoos are of angel wings spread wide. You can also place a guardian angel on your shoulder or neck. Angel tattoos on men might also be placed on a thigh or arm.

Talk to your artist and make sure that the two of you have the same idea of what your angel tattoo should look like. In order to have a quality angel tattoo, you need quality artwork. You might find a lot of good pictures of designs on the web, but many aren't meant to be translated to a tattoo. You need to find great quality tattoo designs that can reproduce quality artwork on your body. You might spend days looking all over the internet for a design, only to be disappointed by sub standard artwork that can't be used for your tattoo. Go where you know you'll find updated, quality angel tattoo designs. You want your angel tattoo to be the best, you'll have a long time to show it off.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kemalangan Pelik di Hari Raya 4

agak pelik bila ku pikir2 kan balik
semalam sgt panjang cerita nya
hari raya ke 4
teda satu pun dalam plan...
slepas tido spjg ari aku bsiap2 mok pg makan
tingok jam dah mok pukul 8 malam
ok..celcom broadband dah mok hampir seminggu xdpt guna
pg check kat celcom centre pun xdpt buat apa2
jalan agak suram mlm ni
kreta satu dua ja lalu
sampai d dayang enterprise
tlepon bebunyi...perut dari tadi berbunyi
'kiki ha'
  • halo
  • kupikupi mana ko
  • aku drive tok..pahal?
  • g rumah ku mlm tok, ikut cdak mcG
  • uhhh?aku dah on d way mk g makan tok!
  • xda2...ko mesti pg juak
  • pakey baju melayu?
  • apa2 jak kawu...asal ko selamat sampey g rumah jak...tlepon kw cdak mcG dah OTW
  • ok2
"tupp dial mcG"
  • halo mcG whr u guys
  • at my uncle house
  • u goin to kiki house after this rite..i join u guys
  • ok then u come to taman tungku la makan here 1st
  • ok!!
"yes makan free hahahahahha!!!"
semua sgt cepat berlaku mlm tu
balik,tukar baju melayu
terbang pg rumah kiki terus
perut sdah penuh makanan dr rumah uncle mcG
rumah budak ni mmg basarrr sakali dan mau masuk rumah pun susah
mcm masuk bilik kebal ja
chit chat chit chat
jam 11.30
ok upacara di tamatkan melihat mak kiki sdah bingung
siap ingat mo tido drumah tadi
mmg pandai buat lawak
masing2 bawa jalan..mcG p hantar tracy
fairuz balik
aku??blur mata masi blum ngantuk
mcm skrg ni
k singgah d cp...cuci mata
ramai org pakai baju melayu d cp
erghhh nyaman sekali angin malam
duduk sambil tinguk mv rambo d tv
  • ko d mana
  • cp...cuci mata
  • datang s2...kami d meja no 2
  • ahh sy pakai baju melayu la
  • pg tukar cepat
  • erghhh mcm nda d undang ja ni
  • ehh plan last minit jg ni
  • ehh nemau la best lagi cuci mata sini cp
  • datang ja!!!
  • sepa jg semua?
  • geng2 aritu jg
  • freska?
  • dia teda datang jakkk cepatt!!
  • coming
  • yesh!
hmmm ingat mo minum skit ja mlm tu
tp mmg cibai sekalistahu aku mlm tu aku sgt low profile
tiba2 geng dorg sorg ni dtg tanya
  • !@#$%^ bahasa yg aku xpaham
  • ehh aku bukan org swak
  • dari mane?
  • sabah
  • owww jadi ko ingat ko hebat la
  • ehh xda la
  • ko minum ni..baru kau taw camna org sarawak minum
cibai dalam hati ku...melebih2 plak
sampai jeans aku dbasahkan sial
semua dtuang..kalo aku besar dari nya mau ja aku patahkan hidung
mlm tu rasa x stabil jak
semua bepusing2
memori pun hilang padam datang kembali
dan tragedi pun berlaku
dalam keadaan x stabil
terhuyung hayang pg kreta
aku penah lagi teruk dr ni
dalam hati ku bkata2
mesti balik
mesti balik rumah..mandi...tidoo
ada sikit dramatik la time di parking kreta...sial dagu ku mcm patah d tumbuk
dahi ku benjol
sialan sialan anjing bajingan
sdah hampir sepuluh tahun aku x pernah dbantai
sialan anjing bajingan
aku drive dgn slamat meninggalkan bandar
kota malam penuh tragis
entah semena2 bila aku buka mata jalan raya dah x lurus
yg ku tau aku naik canada hill
jalan pusing2 kiri kanan
dan tiba2 aku dah dlm belukar
sial aku lihat bintang penyuluh jalan merangkak naik ke jalan raya
cek poket satu benda pun xda
ok turun balik pg cek kat kreta
mana kau hp
mana kau hp keluar la jangan membawa sial lagi mlm ni
ok jumpa kat bawah kerusi
tlepon gary...x angkat2...sial
tlepon valen
  • helooo[tune tido]
  • pok aku eksiden[tune kesakitan,tangan tpulas kepala hantuk stering]
  • ko kat cney tok?
  • canada hill...aku tunggu kat tepi jalan
  • k...datang tunggu jak sia
  • k pok
aku baring atas jalan raya yg luas
melihat mlm yg malang
brapa kali ku cium tar jalan
ehh aku masih hidup
tangan ku masih boleh merasa wakakakakak
jantung ku sakit skit kena hempap
k muka masi ada hahahah
tiba2 ada satu bayangan org dari jauh
jalan kaki kot naik g atas
lalu aku...pastu pegang bahu
  • ok dik?pahal ni
  • xda pa2..nunggu member
org tu berlalu..sapa miak malaya tok
hmm biarkan..layan kemalangan dulok
hmmm blablabla
sms ni kecoh la
mau minta tolong bnyk songeh plak
slepas stengah jam valen smpai..kreta dtarik...nasib bberapa mat rempit turun membantu
aku tinggal kan malam tu dgn seribu penyesalan
menyesal mmg x guna
buat bodo jak la..benda dah jadi

tapi slepas sehari baru memori ku pulih
aku bangun tadik jam 9 mlm
okay semua masi bercantum
berpikir apa sbnrnya blaku
dan sepa org yg tegur aku itu
tgok time kemalangan..k aku tlepon valen jam 4..hari raya ke4
mmg sialan
dan tmpat aku kemalangan itu mmg sgt sempurna utk menjunam
>>kuburan lama
huhuhuhu sepa ka kau yg menegur aku itu...wahai mahluk...trima kasih
mgkin sy patut minta tolong kau bawa ku pergi saja
ok hari ni masi x dpt makan nasi...dagu mcm misaligned skit...dan xdapat tido menghadap bantal
dan muka lebam
kepala sakit
dada lebam
lengan pulas....padan muka ko
padan muka

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Tattoo Art - Does Your Tattoo Have a Hidden Meaning Which Can Trip You Up?

A tattoo is a tattoo is a tattoo, right? Not true if your tattoo art is based on some kind of symbol. For example, you may think that a double lightning bolt looks pretty cool. So do I, actually. But in some places, this double lightning bolt is the symbol for white supremacists. This is one tattoo you do not want to show off in a black ghetto. Another example would be the swastika. Before Adolf Hitler and his Nazis stole it, the swastika actually meant good things to Native Americans (or Red Indians to people of my generation). In the East, the swastika is actually the symbol of Buddhism, one of the most peaceful religions on this planet.

So, how do you find out if your tattoo has some kind of hidden meaning? First, you need to classify your tattoo design:

  • Flower
  • Zodiac
  • Celtic
  • Animal, Bird, Fish, etc
  • Nautical
  • Tribal
  • Chinese/Japanese words
  • Others

After that, just look up an appropriate reference book in your local library or on the internet. For example, if you type in "meaning of flowers" into Google, you can get references to what flowers normally mean. One of these websites says that marigold means "cruelty, grief or jealousy". Probably not a tattoo you want to get to celebrate your new girlfriend or marriage.

Of course, Chinese and Japanese words are not so easily researched. Unless you know a native Chinese or Japanese speaker, you should give these a miss. For example, there are 2 forms of Chinese words, old Chinese and new Chinese. Old Chinese is still used in Taiwan, and by many overseas Chinese. New Chinese is used in China, and is increasingly superseding old Chinese in Singapore and Hong Kong. Additionally, old Chinese words have slightly different meanings depending on which dialect of Chinese you are speaking. Beyond the basic meanings, the same word in the mainstream Mandarin dialect (used as the standard dialect in China) could have additional meanings in Cantonese (the original main dialect in Hong Kong), or Hokkien, or Hakka (other dialects used by overseas Chinese).

Animal and bird symbols are considered significant by both psychoanalysts and astrologists/fortune-tellers. When I typed "animal symbols in dreams", I found over 800,000 references. Among the more fascinating things I found out:

  • Gold koi fish represents wealth
  • White and red koi fish represents love
  • Tiger represents power and energy
  • Coyote represents ingenuity and resourcefulness as well as playfulness

If your tattoo design is more abstract, you could look up the Anti-Defamation League's website. They have a pretty comprehensive list of hate symbols used by extremist groups. I found the swastika and double lightning bolt on their website. If you think the viewpoint of the Anti-Defamation League is too Jewish, you can also google for "racist symbols". But I have to warn you that their website is well-regarded, and appears on the first page of search results.

Some of you may prefer a printed reference, with all the information you want in one place. Terisa Green's "The Tattoo Encyclopedia : A Guide to Choosing Your Tattoo" (ISBN-13: 978-0743223294) is a good and cheap reference book. She organizes the most common tattoo symbols into alphabetical order, and has 800 tattoo images in her book. I found the paperback version of her book on Amazon for only $12.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tattoo Ideas - Want to Have a Better Idea About Your Tattoo?

A tattoo reflects the inner meaning of your personality. The splendor of your tattoo design increases when you know the deeper meaning of it. The main categories of tattoo symbols can be broadly classified into the following; cultural symbols, famous symbols, Celtic designs, rainbow tattoos, tribal tattoos, Chinese and Japanese tattoo symbols. These can be further classified into smaller tattoos. The meanings and the tattoo symbols are listed below:

1. Anchor - Salvation, Hope and safety.
2. Angel - Guardians, Protection, and keepers of dreams
3. Bat - happiness, Longevity and mystery
4. Bear - brings good luck, Good nature and also ignorance.
5. Bird - Freedom, Birth and intuition.
6. Bull - Fertility, power and strength.
7. Butterfly - Spiritual immortality and temporary element of life.
8. Cat - Sign of bad omens and Magic.
9. Centaur - Spirit of womanhood and Knowledge about nature.
10. Chain - If broken then freedom. If the chain is intact then slavery.
11. Clover - Good luck.
12. Clown - Uncertainties, laughter and tears.
13. Crescent Moon - Feminine power, Transformation and rebirth.
14. Cross - Love, Sacrifice, and salvation.
15. Crow - Gods messenger.
16. Devil - Mischievous, urgent desire for sex.
17. Dog - Faithful and loyalty
18. Dolphin - Benefactor and an emblem of a savior.
19. Dove - Peace.
20. Dragon - Strength and power.
21. Dragonfly - Spiritual Affinity.
22. Eagle - King of the birds and also Mighty.
23. Eye - Self protection.
24. Fairy - Supernatural powers of Good or evil.
25. Feather - Spiritual elevation, Creativity and rebirth.
26. Fish - Spiritual peace.
27. Frog - Symbol of pregnancy.
28. Hawk - Self discipline.
29. Heart - Love.
30. Horse - Friend to man and shows kingship.
31. Leaf - Joy and rebirth
32. Lion - Might, brave, immortality and awareness.
33. Lizard - The soul searching for light.
34. Lotus - If open represents the sun, if closed then the moon.
35. Mermaid - Temptation, materialism, and seduction.
36. Monkey - Good knowledge, Wisdom, or evil powers.
37. Moon - Varied rhythms of life.
38. Phoenix - Rebirth
39. Reaper - Death
40. Rose - Fertility.
41. Scarab - Strength and rebirth.
42. Skull - Courage and Death.

With the above list, you can choose your tattoo that best suits you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


September 16, 2009
1829 hrs

Yang manakah lebih asas?

Mahiyyah atau Wujud?

Selamat Hari Raya pada sahabat2 yang beragama Islam

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Dancing Tibetan Ganesha | Lord Ganesha's Photos

In Tibet, Ganesha is placed above the entrance of Buddhist monasteries or painted on the doors, often holding a trident and identified with Shiva.

In Khotan, or Chinese Turkestan, Ganesha was painted on wooden panels and bronze tablets at Khaklik, the Endere stupa and the rock-cut temples of Bezaklik.

Dancing Tibetan Ganesha
Download God Ganesh Wallpapers Free

Monday, September 14, 2009

Nails Lift Art | Amazing Nails Lift Art

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