0010 hrs
I'm supposed to be studying. In fact, I am studying, cuma aku stop
kejap untuk memuntahkan beberapa baris ayat yg bt kepala hotak aku
Imagine, you are walking. And then, tiba d persimpangan jalan. Ada
kiri, kanan dan terus. Yg mana ko akn pilih? Ketiga2 jalan tu mayb akn
bw ko dkt pd sesuatu yg ko cr, or mayb akn bw ko makin jauh. Suppose u
cont walking, straight. N dtg ke persimpangan kedua. X jauh beza dr
persimpangan td, cuma ada sdkt ptambhan dan kekurangan (use ur
imagination). Wht would u do? R u ready now to take d risk n go either
right or left?
Katakan la kali ini, ko ambk kiri. Sepanjang pjalanan, ko rasa haus,
lapar, sunyi, sedih... Tp, tiap kali ko berperasaan mcm 2, ada smthng
yg akn legakn or lenyapkn smua 2. Ko rasa gembira tp, s u go along the
way, u suddenly heard sm1's crying. Ko nak teruskn pjalanan tp rasa
serba slh. So, u went bck to the straight road. U come to the third
fork. Ths time u choose right with hope tht it'll b just like d road
b4. At 1st, rasa mcm 2. Bt, lama kelamaan, it doesn't. U tot, 'where
am i?', 'wht am i doing here?', 'is ths right?' ... Bt u cn't go back.
U wasted lots of time, searching.
And it makes u wonder, if u stayed on the straight road, will it take
u to the things u really want? To whtever dreams u always dreamed of?
Or, to the right person yang akn sntsa ada whenever u needed him/her?
I went 4 d left road x brapa lama dulu. I wasn't tht happy, bt i was... Happy.
Bt I left it, bcos wht I chose, made other ppl unhappy n I was n will
hurt more ppl if I went deeper. I came bck n go 4 d righ road. My
choice makes most people happy, n I told myself, I'll b happy too. Bt
I don't. And I lied to myself, over n over again, reassure myself, tht
it's going to be ok. So, now I'm still here. Will it eventually turn 2
b smthng good? Will it b the one 4 me? Will I have wht other people
have? Will I get to live, not only making others happy, bt myself too?
I told him to go to hell....
Sent from my mobile device
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